Red Raw
Red Raw – Poetry Collection
Role: Editing, collation and design
Red Raw is a self-published poetry collection…

Pieces of Me (2009 & 2014/15)
Young people: One-to-one facilitator & interviewer
Publication: Editor, content writer and designer
The Pieces of Me series were publication projects resulting from…

The Arthur Wharton Story
The World’s First Black Professional Footballer
Support content writer/research
Creator of related written resources for schools
Branding and design for publication & exhibition

PX Youth Media Project (2012)
Project coordinator
Writing & media facilitator,
Film maker, publication designer
I managed the project overall and led regular creative writing sessions and mini projects in film and photography often working alongside actress Stacey Sampson. We spent a lot of time out in the community engaging with young people on the streets, and in local libraries and schools. I edited videos from the projects and put together ‘I come from…’ a book of all the work that was created on the project.

The Sexual Exploitation of Boys and Young Men – Poster campaign
The Sexual Exploitation of Boys and Young Men –
Poster campaign (& a Guide for young men and professionals)
Role/s: Concepts | design | photography
This was a poster campaign consisting of 8 posters illustrating…

The Sexual Exploitation of Boys and Young Men – A Guide (2012)
The Sexual Exploitation of Boys and Young Men –
A Guide for young men and professionals & poster campaign
Role/s: Content writing, editing, collation, design & photography
The booklet offers advice and guidance to professionals who….

The Thick and Thin of it
The Thick and Thin of It – Poetry Collection by Donna Jones
Role: Editing, collation and design of 67 page publication, 2012
Film advert: audio/editing
The Thick and Thin of It is…

Cube Magazine (2005-12)
Cube Magazine Journalism & Media Project
Role/s: (Oct 2005 – 2012)
Project Manager
Trainer (journalism, graphic design, photography, film/documentary)
Supervisor, mentor, editor
Graphic designer for Cube in print (2008 onwards)
Cube Magazine was a pioneering vocationally focused journalism and media project…

Sexual Exploitation – A Guide for foster carers (2011)
Role/s: Content writing, editing, collation and design
A comprehensive fold-out leaflet offering Foster Carers advice and….

Lyrical Magazine
Lyrical Magazine, by care-experienced youth groups
For e-SY Info 2007-2008
Role: Consultant, Trainer & Lead Facilitator
Graphic design for the magazine in print
Key roles and achievements:
I devised and delivered a Train the Trainer…