Editing & Mentoring
As well as working as a poetry and creative writing teacher for many years, Vicky is also a mentor and editor, significantly of poetry. She works with both emerging and established poets of all ages, from single poems to pamphlets and collections. She has collated and edited many books and project publications including seven anthologies of fiction and poetry by emerging young writers featuring many award-winners including: The Camellia House & Other Stories (2024) After Hours (2023) Dear Life (2022) Surfing the Twilight (2019). Halfway Smile (2018), Wild Poetry (2017), Everyday Hymn (2014) If you’d like to work with Vicky, or have any questions, you can contact her at: growords(at)gmail(.com)
What people have said…
“Vicky has an unerring feel for the right line, tone and form and is a fantastic diagnostician of what is not working with a poem – and what is. She’s extremely generous with her time, knowledge and editing gifts, and warm, supportive and tough in equal measure. It helps that she is a fine poet herself who understands the craft intimately. I couldn’t recommend her highly enough as an editor.”
Cian Ferriter
Debut Chapbook Earth’s Black Chute (Southword 2022)
Winner Munster Fools for Poetry Chapbook Competition 2022
Highly commended Troubadour Prize 2021
Runner up Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition 2020
Winner Westival International Poetry Competition 2019
To work with Vicky Morris is to work with poetry’s Wonder Woman. Time and time again, she instinctively and deftly tunes into a poem to help unlock and transform weaker areas of the work (be it language, syntax, context or form) for the best possible outcome, and all with her customary grace and enthusiasm. Vicky is an exceptional editor, maverick of the creative process and a truly invested enabler others. I’ve never worked with anyone like her.
Kathryn Bevis
Author of The Butterfly House & Flamingo
Co-winner of the Mairtín Crawford Award for Poetry 2022
Winner of the Poets & Players Competition and the Against the Grain Competition 2019
Vicky is an absolute delight to work with. It’s clear she is passionate about what she does and is truly invested in the poems she reads. She will clarify, empathise and get into each poem’s logic to reveal its strengths and potential weaknesses. From word choices to form, to the overall impact of the poem, Vicky examines the detail and big picture of each. Working with her is exciting and stimulating, opening new possibilities I had not seen in my work. She is a marvel and I wholeheartedly recommend her services.
Vasiliki Albedo
Author of Fire in the Oubliette, joint winner of Live Canon’s 2020 chapbook competition.
Commended in the Poetry Society’s 2018 National Poetry Competition
Won Poetry International’s 2021 Tiny Chapbook competition
“Sometimes the poetic psychotherapist, sometimes the bringer of cinematic insights – Vicky is an editor of many hats and skills who fastidiously and joyfully gets into the nooks and crannies of all of a poem’s glitches. She is hugely supportive, encouraging and generous in her care, attention to detail and passion for the work.”
Hélène Demetriades
Debut collection ‘The Plumb Line’ joint winner of the Hedgehog Press Full Fat Poetry Collection Competition 2020
Commended in The Ver Poetry competition. (Judged by Julia Savage)2023
Highly commended in the Devon section of The Teignmouth Poetry Competition 2023
Highly commended in The Silver Wyvern, Poetry On The Lake 2021
“Vicky is an incisive editor with surgical precision – she evaluates whether every word and punctuation mark is pulling its weight. I don’t know any editor better at ‘diagnosing’ a poem’s problem, and her generous critiques get to the heart of a poem’s strengths or weaknesses. She is the most encouraging and inspiring writer I know, whose joyous approach to writing and rewriting poems has driven many young poets working today.”
Safia Khan
New Poet Prize winner 2021 (The Poetry Business)
Debut pamphlet: Too Much Mirch (The Poetry Business 2022)
“Vicky is a really engaging and inspiring mentor and editor. Her craft and skills are well-honed, and she is generous in sharing her hard-earned lessons. What I admire most about Vicky is her willingness to take time to help me develop my ideas and give me confidence in my own writing. I have grown as a poet under Vicky’s guidance and feel a lot more self-assured when editing my own work now.”
Sujana Crawford
Poet & Playwright
“Vicky is an amazing mentor and editor – she cuts to the heart of every poem, and always sees exactly what needs to be done to make something not only work, but sing. She taught me a huge amount but is also sensitive, encouraging and just really lovely. I left every session feeling inspired and full of confidence.”
Elizabeth Chadwick Pywell
Breaking (Out) (Selcough Station 2022)
“Vicky pays close attention to detail with knife-sharp observations that always serve the story of the poem. Anything that was muddled suddenly becomes very clear with her guidance and no stone is left unturned. She’s taught me so much about both editing and writing, and challenges me whilst remaining supportive & warm.”
Warda Yassin Sheffield Poet Laureate 2020-2022
New Poet Prize winner 2018 (The Poetry Business)
Debut pamphlet: Tea with Cardamom (The Poetry Business 2019)
Winner of the Women Poets Prize 2020
“Vicky is honest, precise, tough, compassionate and efficient. She helps me polish my poems with tremendous tenderness and sensitivity, and I couldn’t wish for more from any editor. Oh sweet and lucky day that I met her.”
Vanessa Lampert
Debut Collection: Say It With Me (Seren April 2023)
Highly Commended in the National Poetry Competition 2021
Debut pamphlet: On Long Loan (Live Canon 2020)
Highly Commended Newcastle Poetry Prize / 2nd Prize Fish Poetry Prize 2020
2nd in Yeovil Prize / 1st in Cafe Writers Prize 2019
Highly commended Bridport Prize & Troubadour Prize / Commended Gregory O’Donoghue Prize 2018
“Vicky is an amazing mentor, helping me develop my work and encouraging me to trust my voice (however odd it sometimes is!) She’s provided me with brilliant guidance that’s helped bring my poems to life and taught me so much about the editing process – how to shape a poem and how to ‘kill your darlings’. Vicky has encouraged me so much in my writing journey, and I wouldn’t be where I am without her support.”
Lauren Hollingsworth Smith, 18
New Poet Prize winner 2020 (The Poetry Business)
Debut pamphlet: Ugly Bird (The Poetry Business 2021)
A winner of the international Foyle Young Poet of the Year Awards 2019,
Highly commended in the Young Northern Writers Award and Ilkley Young Writers Competition in the same year.
“Vicky really knows her stuff. Her attention to detail has taught me a lot about poetry and honing a piece of work. I understand a lot more about how a poem needs to ‘balance’ now and how to approach editing my work.”
Danae Wellington, Sheffield Poet Laureate 2022- 2024
Poet, Singer, Storyteller, Founder of Nyara School of Arts
Vicky is an inspirational mentor. She’s devoted time to helping me develop and hone my work and given me both confidence and direction as a poet. She has always believed in me and invested in helping me succeed. I leave sessions with new perspectives on pieces that help me see them afresh.
Georgie Woodhead, 17
New Poet Prize winner 2020 (The Poetry Business)
Debut pamphlet: Takeaway (The Poetry Business 2021)
Newcastle Young Writers Prize / Highly commended in the Prole Laureate Poetry Competition 2020
Young Poet in Residence at Sheaf Poetry Festival 2019
Winner for Foyle Young Poet of the Year / Highly-commended winner of the Young Northern Writers Award / 2nd prize Ledbury Poetry Festival young writers category 2018