Right Here | Researching Mental Health Services (2013)
Roles: Interviewer | content writer | designer
I conducted one to one interviews with young people, who had been involved in Sheffield’s Right Here project, about their experience of accessing Mental Health Services.
About Right Here
Right Here is a joint initiative between the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and the Mental Health Foundation. Working with four project sites across the UK for over 4 years, Right Here aims to develop new ways of working to address the mental health needs of young people aged 16-25. Ensuring this age group have a say in the services that are developed for them is a major feature of the initiative and this publication is key in support this aim by involving young people in the design, planning and delivery of our work.
Right Here Sheffield is a partnership project led by YMCA White Rose [formerly YMCA Sheffield], and builds on the work of the Interchange Wellbeing Service which offers counselling and a participation panel to young people, run by Chilypep.