Greetings autumn 🙂 Just two little updates. Lots of goings on this October, especially with the Off the Shelf Festival of Words. Hive usually has a few related events (you can check out here), but I just wanted to briefly spotlight the Off the Shelf film installation project: Ear to the Street. I thoroughly enjoyed working on this project, not just the running of workshops with brilliant young people from across South Yorkshire, but also working with the very talented audio-visual whizz, Kitty Turner. Here’s a bit of the blurb on it >
Ear to the Streets: 24hrs in the life of South Yorkshire– is an audio-visual love letter to the urban and rural life of South Yorkshire, featuring the words and voices of over 40 young writers from across the region’s cities, towns and villages, working with poet Vicky Morris through Hive Young Writers Network. The film has been created in collaboration with digital content producer and musician Kitty Turner. More details here
And in mid-October, I’m delighted to be leading a series of creative writing workshops in acute psychiatric wards at Sheffield Hospitals. This will be my third year delivering for the Sheffield Social Care Arts Festival. The patients and nurses are always absolutely lovely and I love bringing everyone notebooks to encourage them to keep writing!