It’s been way too long since I’ve posted! I’m still wanting to do a rounding up of autumn happenings (as there were many!), but so much has kept me busy elsewhere! For now, while recovering from surgery, I just wanted to post a few current goings-on including about this fab set of culture cinema screenings Hive is involved with in Burngreave!
We’re supporting young poet and singer, Danae Wellington, with her new creative project (Nyara Creative Collective) to run workshops and creative cinema screenings at Burngreave Library. Cinema wise, we’re kindly being supported by Cinema for All who have been doing some training with our volunteers. We’ve also got the fab staff at Burngreave Library on board including the lovely Marcia, Erica and Sam.
If you know people on the north side of Sheffield (Fir Vale, Firth Park, Burngreave and nearby) please let them know about this great set of films happening over half term for 12 to 19s (15th, 21st & 22nd Feb)
I’m so proud of Danae, a really talented emerging young writer who’s passionate about growing creative opportunities in the community. Danae and another great young writer, Warda Yassin, will also be leading monthly creative writing workshops at the library from 2nd Feb. For more info on both, click on a flyer below, or visit:
We’ve also just appointed the wonderful young poet, Lydia Allison, as Young Poet in Residence at Darts (Doncaster Community Arts) more about that here, and you can read Lydia’s wonderful first blog here.
Hive’s first young writers’day of the year is World Building with fine historical novelist, Tim Leech. Open to 14 to 25s, Saturday 9th Feb, if you know anyone interested, spread the word!
Hopefully, more soon.
And a very late – happy New Year!