
“Vicky pays close attention to detail with knife-sharp observations that always serve the story of the poem. Anything that was muddled suddenly becomes very clear with her guidance and no stone is left unturned. She’s taught me so much about both editing and writing, and challenges me whilst remaining supportive & warm.”

Warda Yassin
New Poet Prize winner 2018 (The Poetry Business)

As well as working as a poetry editor, Vicky has mentored, supervised and offered guidance to young and adult creatives for many years.

For adult mentoring & editing see here.

Vicky has mentored young writers (from aged 14 to 30 through various projects and initiatives, most notably through Hive Young Writers Project. Also via creative supervisor roles on work experience programmes like Cube Magazine and Site Young Apprentice Scheme, as a writer and development worker for young writers (most notably Signposts/Writing Yorkshire), and through other pastoral roles aimed at supporting the creative, personal and professional development of young people.  She has also mentored through The Poetry Society and The Writing Squad – a professional development programme for emerging writers.

For the last few years, Vicky has mentored and supported poets of all ages and many young poets through Hive including award winners Safia Khan, Warda Yassin, Georgie Woodhead, Lauren Hollingsworth Smith, Ciah White & Eloise Unerman. For more testimonials and info about her work as an editor and mentor, click here.